Navigating the Creative Journey: Insights from Mandy Rassi, CMO of Michael's Stores

In a recent episode of the "Speed of Culture" podcast, Matt Britton sat down with Mandy Rassi, the Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer of Michael's Stores. Their conversation provided a deep dive into Mandy’s extensive career in marketing, the evolving landscape of retail media, and the unique position of Michael’s in fostering creativity.

From P&G to Michael’s: A Journey of Consumer Insights and Retail Mastery

Mandy’s career began at Procter & Gamble (P&G), where she spent 14 years honing her skills in consumer and market knowledge. She described her time at P&G as a period of significant learning and growth. "I joined P&G right out of undergrad, having studied psychology and women's studies," she explained. "I thought I’d spend a couple of years there and then go back to grad school, but I fell in love with the company and the work."

Her roles at P&G spanned from working on global brands like Tide and Ariel to collaborating with major retailers such as Kroger and Safeway. This diverse experience gave Mandy a robust understanding of both brand management and the intricacies of retail partnerships.

The Shift to Retail: Embracing Rapid Change at Kroger

Transitioning from P&G to Kroger, Mandy encountered a markedly different pace and focus. "Retail moves incredibly fast," she noted. "At Kroger, we were watching sales on a daily basis and reacting to them in real-time." This dynamic environment required a different approach to marketing, one that was heavily influenced by the immediacy and volatility of the retail sector.

One of the key advantages of working at a retailer like Kroger was access to vast amounts of first-party consumer data. Mandy highlighted the importance of this data in building loyalty and creating personalized marketing strategies.

"We stood up what is now the marketing and retail media ecosystem at Kroger," she said, emphasizing the transformative power of data in understanding and serving customers better.

The Evolution of Retail Media

The conversation also touched on the burgeoning field of retail media. Mandy provided valuable insights into its benefits and challenges. "Retail media offers unparalleled transparency and the ability to close the loop on a media activation and a purchase," she explained. This transparency is a significant advantage for brands looking to measure the effectiveness of their marketing efforts.

However, she also acknowledged the complexities of managing multiple retail media partnerships. "As every retailer spins up retail media, it can become part of the relationship you have to have, not just with the big retailers but all retailers," Mandy said. This proliferation of retail media networks poses both opportunities and challenges for brands seeking to optimize their marketing spend.

Fueling the Joy of Creativity at Michael’s

Mandy’s current role at Michael’s Stores allows her to focus on a more joyful and creative aspect of consumer engagement. Michael’s recently adopted a new purpose: to fuel the joy of creativity. "Creativity is joyful," Mandy stated. "We want to be that partner for all creative people, wherever they are in their creative journey."

This purpose-driven approach resonates deeply with Michael’s customers, who often describe the store as their "happy place." Mandy shared that this sense of joy and purpose is a significant motivator for both employees and customers. "It makes for a really fun place to work when you are anchored to joy as your purpose for being," she said.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Creative Pursuits

The COVID-19 pandemic brought a surge in creative activities as people sought ways to occupy their time at home. Mandy observed that while there was an initial spike in creative projects during the pandemic, some of this activity has normalized. "There are people who picked up creative pursuits and have continued them, but others who were 'COVID crafters' have moved on," she explained.

Despite this, Michael’s continues to see strong engagement from customers who appreciate the therapeutic and stress-relieving benefits of creative activities. Mandy highlighted the importance of mindfulness in today’s fast-paced world and the role of creative pursuits in promoting mental well-being.

Looking Ahead: The Role of AI in Creativity

As the conversation shifted to the future, Mandy discussed the potential role of artificial intelligence (AI) in enhancing creativity. She acknowledged that while many aspects of Michael’s business are inherently hands-on and physical, AI could serve as a valuable tool for sparking inspiration and facilitating creative projects.

"AI can be a tool for creativity," Mandy said. She envisioned scenarios where AI could help customers overcome creative blocks by providing personalized project ideas and shopping lists, similar to how a recipe might guide someone in cooking. "We hear from customers that sometimes getting started is the hardest part," she added, suggesting that AI could play a significant role in helping people initiate their creative endeavors.

MakerPlace: Supporting Small Businesses and Handmade Goods

Another exciting initiative at Michael’s is MakerPlace, a platform launched in November 2023 to support handmade goods and small businesses. Mandy described MakerPlace as a space where makers can sell their creations and offer classes, creating a robust ecosystem for creative entrepreneurs.

"Our aspiration with MakerPlace is to become that end-to-end place for all creative people to get their needs met," she said. This platform aims to provide a dedicated space for handmade goods, distinct from mass-produced items, and support small businesses in growing their reach and customer base.

Lessons Learned and Looking Forward

Reflecting on her career, Mandy emphasized the importance of curiosity and continuous learning. "I am naturally curious," she said. "That has served me well, especially with the way marketing has evolved." She also highlighted the value of knowing when to move on and seek new challenges, a mindset that has enabled her to navigate various roles and industries successfully.

As Michael’s continues to innovate and expand its offerings, Mandy remains focused on staying true to the brand’s purpose and supporting the creative journeys of its customers. "I love my work," she said. "I always do my best work when I’m inherently interested in what I’m working on."

In conclusion, Mandy Rassi’s journey from P&G to Michael’s illustrates the power of curiosity, adaptability, and a purpose-driven approach in building a successful career in marketing. Her insights offer valuable lessons for anyone looking to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of consumer engagement and retail media.


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