Exploring the Future of Marketing Technology with Ivan Dashkov: Puma's Journey into VR and Digital Goods

In a recent episode of the "Speed of Culture" podcast, Matt Britton sat down with Ivan Dashkov, the Head of Emerging Marketing Technology at Puma Group, during Commerce Week in New York City. Their conversation shed light on Puma's innovative strides in the world of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and digital goods, providing valuable insights into the evolving landscape of marketing technology.

The Growing Landscape of VR and AR

Ivan Dashkov began the discussion by addressing the polarizing nature of VR and AR technology. With the recent launch of Apple's VR device and the continuous sales growth of Meta's headsets, there's a growing interest and curiosity about the future of these technologies. Ivan emphasized the potential of AR glasses, projecting useful information onto the lenses, as the true game-changer for the industry. "When you have a lightweight pair of glasses that can overlay your real-world environment with different apps, that's going to be the aha moment for a lot of people," he stated.

Puma's Collaboration with Meta: The World's Smallest Gym

Puma's recent collaboration with Meta to create a VR experience called the "world's smallest gym" exemplifies the brand's commitment to innovation. This initiative allows users to engage in workout apps through VR headsets, bringing a unique, immersive fitness experience to consumers. Ivan explained that this project, co-branded with Meta, aimed to promote VR technology in the German market. The campaign featured small workout pods in Puma's flagship store and major shopping centers in Berlin, enabling people to try out VR workouts firsthand.

Puma's Brand Evolution: From Style to Performance

Ivan reflected on Puma's journey, highlighting the brand's transformation under new leadership. The company faced challenges in the early 2000s but regained cultural relevance through strategic collaborations with icons like Usain Bolt and Rihanna. "Every year since I've been at Puma has been our best year ever," Ivan shared, emphasizing the brand's consistent growth.

A significant part of Puma's strategy involves balancing its lifestyle and performance segments. While Puma continues to thrive in the style space, Ivan stressed the importance of establishing credibility in performance categories like running, football (soccer), and basketball. By focusing on high-quality performance products, Puma aims to create a holistic brand image that appeals to both style-conscious and performance-driven consumers.

Embracing Digital Goods and Virtual Environments

As the Head of Emerging Marketing Technology, Ivan is at the forefront of Puma's digital transformation. One of his primary focuses is building Puma's digital goods business, ensuring the brand's presence in virtual environments like Roblox and Fortnite. Puma's successful activations on Roblox, with over four million digital goods claimed by users, demonstrate the growing significance of digital fashion.

Ivan highlighted the potential of digital goods not only as a marketing tool but also as a revenue stream. By collaborating with game developers and leveraging revenue-sharing models, Puma can monetize its digital products while enhancing brand visibility. "People are spending more and more time in these digital environments, and culture is happening there," Ivan noted, emphasizing the importance of being where the consumers are.

Navigating Emerging Trends and Partnerships

Ivan's experience at the NBA, where he led social media partnerships with platforms like Reddit and Snapchat, has equipped him with a keen sense of emerging trends. He shared that being active on platforms like Reddit and Snapchat helped him identify where the audience was and how to engage with them effectively. This proactive approach has been instrumental in establishing Puma's presence in new and evolving digital spaces.

The partnership with Meta for the VR gym project stemmed from a long-standing relationship with the company, fostered through collaborations on platforms like Instagram and Facebook. Ivan emphasized the importance of maintaining strong relationships with partners and being open to new opportunities. "We want to be the beta test partner," he stated, expressing Puma's willingness to experiment and innovate.

The Future of Commerce and Digital Marketing

As ecommerce continues to evolve, Ivan highlighted the balance between direct-to-consumer (DTC) strategies and partnerships with wholesale partners. While DTC remains a focus, collaborations with major retailers are crucial for expanding Puma's reach. Ivan emphasized the importance of being adaptable and responsive to new trends in the commerce landscape, including the rise of retail media and social selling.

Key Takeaways and Career Insights

Reflecting on his career, Ivan shared valuable advice for young professionals. He emphasized the importance of persistence, adaptability, and continuous learning. "In those early days of the NBA, when I had no responsibilities, I grinded it out," he recalled. This dedication and willingness to seize opportunities were pivotal in his career progression.

Ivan also highlighted the significance of building strong teams and trusting colleagues. "Bringing in talented people and allowing them to excel has been crucial," he noted, underscoring the importance of leadership and teamwork in achieving success.

Embracing Innovation and Moving Forward

Ivan's journey from the NBA to Puma showcases the power of innovation and adaptability in the ever-changing world of marketing technology. His insights into VR, AR, and digital goods provide a glimpse into the future of consumer engagement and brand development.

As Puma continues to push the boundaries of digital marketing and embrace emerging technologies, the brand is well-positioned to remain at the forefront of cultural and technological trends. By staying true to its core values of performance and style while exploring new digital frontiers, Puma is set to inspire and engage the next generation of consumers.

In conclusion, Ivan Dashkov's conversation with Matt Britton highlights the exciting developments at Puma and the broader implications for the future of marketing technology. As brands navigate the dynamic landscape of VR, AR, and digital goods, the insights shared by Ivan offer valuable lessons on innovation, partnership, and the relentless pursuit of excellence.


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