Millennials Are Not Killing Business But They Are Forcing It To Adapt

For over two decades, Matt Britton has made his career by having his ear to the ground on what is happening on the sidewalks. With a belief that youth is not an age but an attitude, he thinks every business needs to realize that Millennials are going to be changing the world of business in unexpected ways. To learn more about this, Matt and I recently sat down to discuss the changes of being brought by a new generation of consumers.

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Suzy’s Matt Britton Says Millennials Are Just Getting Started

While it may sting to hear it, Suzy’s founder and CEO Matt Britton is right: millennials, you’re not that young anymore.

But that absence of youth is important to note. Because while brands and marketers seem to use the term “millennials” interchangeably with “twentysomethings” or “youth,” the reality is that the oldest millennials are nearing forty. And marketing strategy has to evolve to understand that reality. As buying power in households prepares to shift hands from Gen X to this generation, how will marketers adapt?

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consumer trends consumer trends

Challenging the Highest Paid Person's Opinion with Data

Get ready to find out how millennials are slaying the HIPPO - the Highest Paid Person's Opinion - and driving businesses to become more data-driven. We dig into how decisions are often made on hunches and gut instincts, and not with data, and how the HIPPO is an equal opportunity destroyer. Hear about real-life examples of decisions made without data, such as the Bud Light bottle label and the Watermelon Oreo, and the consequences they faced as a result.

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How I Started My First Agency

When I started my agency Mr. Youth fresh out of college I used to pick up my office phone when it rang(which was at the foot of my bed), change my voice, and act like I was the office admin.

I would tell the caller to hold on while I went to get “Matt,” and then 30 seconds later of me just staring at my phone, I would pick up the phone as myself and start the call. I grew that agency until it was acquired although at one point during the 2008 financial crisis, I was a few days from shutting down the entire company and had to put the entire payroll on my credit card.

I’m often asked, “How do you start?”… so I thought I’d share this…

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The #1 thing I look for when hiring

The #1 trait I look for when hiring and promoting?


The reality is, if you need to wait to be told what to do when you walk into the office your job will soon be outsourced anyway.

Did this person take the initiative to propose new ideas and follow through with them?

Did they build a new side project? Do they create art of any form?

Did they ask for permission or did they do it anyway, and build something they believed in?

I believe in putting people in deep deep water and observing how they swim. Some tread water and some found a way back to the shore.

If I looked at just their experience, I don’t think I would have had built successful companies in the past.

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