ABC Australia Interviews Matt On The Millennial Generation

Millennials have grown up with the Internet and they are intuitively different to previous generations, from the way they approach careers to pursuing relationships, success and finances. Matt Britton says businesses should consider 'shadow boards' of Millennials to help them cope with digital disruption.

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The Future Of Consumer | Live From Brooklyn NY

Matt speaks to a room of futurists, innovators, and social influencers about the future state of the consumers. In this fast paced session at the NANO World’s Fair, Matt explores everything from artificial intelligence, machine learning, drone deliveries, and predictive shopping.

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Instagram Killed The Television Star

Watch as Matt delivers a groundbreaking Social Media Week presentation on the origins of the television industry and how it been transformed by reality TV, social media, and streaming video and what it means for televisions future. 

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The college dorm room of today hasn't changed a lot from previous decades -- there are still the extra-long twin beds, the too-small closets, the questionable wall art and, of course, the hidden fake IDs. Yet one thing is conspicuously absent -- the TV set. A dozen years ago, kids were carting small or medium-size TVs into their new educational oases. Not this generation.

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