Why we just announced that Suzy will not be re-opening its NYC HQ during 2020.

Earlier this week, I had to make the chilling announcement to our 80 employees at Suzy that we would not be returning to an office in NYC during 2020. This decision was not taken lightly and first discussed in great detail with our Board of Directors and executive team.

Many are weighing a similar choice right now, so I wanted to share the critical drivers of this decision:

  • Suzy has been performing at optimal levels since the onset of the crisis when we began working remotely in early March. We are confident in the ability to continue to function as a high performing company despite the challenges that a long term office gap and economic downturn may bring
  • Our employees deserve to plan their lives. Knowing there will be an extended period where they will not need to commute to NYC will provide options that may enable saving money, living in a new place, or eventually spending more time with family.
  • Our lease expires this summer, and it’s clear we will not be in a position to responsibly negotiate a new multi-year lease in the near team. We will want to see how the economy begins to heal from this crisis to better re-focus our five-year plan, which will dictate how much space we need.
  • Most importantly, we feel that if an office environment isn’t safe for everyone, then it isn’t safe for anyone and we will not let our employees chose between their health and their careers (recognizing that many are not in the fortunate position to make that choice)
  • Our world-class HR team is setting up “remote work planning” sessions with each employee so we can identify any technical, space, or emotional issues in order to find solutions and improvements wherever possible. It’s our collective responsibility to try and make it work.
  • Lastly, we will soon be announcing an initiative to redirect a portion of our future rent savings to give back to the sectors in our NYC community very much in need.

Our renovated vision and newfound dream is to turn the corner in January 2021 with a fresh start, new office, and a renewed outlook on life and business. Until then though, we will all need to weigh what’s essential and make bold decisions… there is no other way.


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