The Kevin Hart Formula For Social Media Leverage

Kevin Hart is one of the smartest and hardest personal brand marketers in the world.

He’s sold out NFL stadiums as a comedian. He’s starred in hit movies, countless TV appearances. He’s in the process of creating an empire.

Kevin understands one thing very clearly when it comes to building an empire:

His social media brand is the core of the empire strategy. His Social Media presence is leverage. Major leverage.

There are three things he does with social media really well.

He makes it personal, good or bad.

He teams up with other stars with large social media followings: Ice Cube (11M Instagram followers) and The Rock (96M Instagram followers) are prime examples of the promotion power he has as part of his film.

He does it on the cheap: What you see is what you get when Kevin uses social media. He hardly produces any well produced videos. It’s just him, and the camera. Same thing when he produces his “concerts.” He doesn’t need the 12 semi trucks of equipment for an elaborate show which creates more margin for him.

Most importantly, he knows his worth: One thing that comes to mind is during the Sony Studios leak, it was revealed that one of the Sony Producers called him a “whore” for asking to be paid to promote his own movie.

This was his response.

Don’t mess with Kevin and his brand.

If you’re a brand building out your presence. Maybe it’s time to start focusing on the individuals that can make an impact and not the 30 second well produced TV Ad spot.


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