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Playing the Field with FIFA: How Frito-Lay Approaches Modern Marketing with Brett O'Brien, CMO at Frito-Lay North America

PepsiCo and Frito-Lay prioritize consumer-centric operations. In an interview with Brett O’Brien, CMO of Frito-Lay North America, the focus on transparency, sports marketing, and evolving brand storytelling is highlighted. O’Brien's expertise in marketing iconic brands like Lay’s, Cheetos, and Gatorade is evident. The podcast also delves into Frito-Lay's approach in leveraging global events to engage consumers.

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Podcast Podcast

Embracing the Slop With Ally Financial’s Chief Marketing Officer Andrea Brimmer 

Andrea Brimmer, Chief Marketing and PR Officer at Ally Financial, shared insights into the future of digital banking. Ally's journey from traditional to digital banking coincided with the rise of the iPhone, attracting both tech-savvy youth and sophisticated older customers. Andrea discussed leveraging gaming for financial education and influencing college athletics. Despite challenges, Ally has excelled, serving 11 million customers with $138 billion in retail deposits.

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