Learnings along the path towards $100MM ARR At Suzy

Suzy celebrates 6 years, highlighting the rarity of reaching Series D funding. Their success is attributed to customer focus, promoting women leaders, nurturing talent, merit-based promotions, organizational adaptability, firing toxic individuals, brand investment, consistent content creation, product improvement, hands-on involvement, transparency, data-driven decision-making, selective investors, and maintaining composure in challenging times.

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Interview w/ Ambition Today

Matt sat down with Kevin Siskar of ambition today to discuss Suzy and why brands need to become more consumer centric for the millennial generation

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Millennials & Money: A Global Outlook

Oslo, Norway:  Delivered to an audience of  powerful International financiers as part of his European 2017 tour , Matt delivered a talk to make the audience rethink their approach to investing and looking for broader industry undercurrents

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