Suzy’s CEO Matt Britton shares how to reframe workplace expectations for a digital world

The COVID-19 pandemic came quickly, and the safety of employees needed to come first before any business outcome.

With so much uncertainty surrounding the pandemic, Suzy, a consumer intelligence company, decided to close its office for the rest of 2020.

Reframing workplace expectations for a digital world As the world shifted to working remotely, many employees didn’t know what expectations were for working fully remote.

How late should they be expected to answer emails?

Giving back to the community Not only is Suzy aligning their internal strategy to allow their employees to succeed in a remote environment, but they’re also ensuring their local community is able to maintain a sense of normalcy during these hard times.

But now, you have to be more intentional about how you interact with coworkers, and for junior-level employees, it might not be as easy to get in front of the c-suite as it once was.

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The Founder Podcast Interview With Matt Britton

Matt is a serial entrepreneur and hustler, getting his start at Boston University and becoming somewhat of a legend as a club promoter in the area. After building a reputation, he began to engage with local companies who wanted to advertise at his events and leverage his network of 75 college student promoters to help promote their businesses. That was the foundation for his first marketing agency, The Magma Group. After a couple of twists and turns and the dot com crash in the early 2000s, he ultimately started a second agency called Mr. Youth (which later rebranded to MRY), a full stack marketing agency and one of the first to run social marketing for big brands. As a part of MRY, he built software called CrowdTap to help manage and incentivize a massive network of college reps, not too unlike the network of college promoters he had built in his early days. CrowdTap was the foundation for the business he runs today called Suzy.

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Interview w/ Ambition Today

Matt sat down with Kevin Siskar of ambition today to discuss Suzy and why brands need to become more consumer centric for the millennial generation

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Millennials & Money: A Global Outlook

Oslo, Norway:  Delivered to an audience of  powerful International financiers as part of his European 2017 tour , Matt delivered a talk to make the audience rethink their approach to investing and looking for broader industry undercurrents

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consumer trends consumer trends

The Inevitable Extinction of Branding | Live From Chicago IL

Discover the captivating history of branding, its evolution, and the forces that led to its potential extinction in this intriguing episode. We promise an eye-opening journey as we discuss the significant role social media has played in shaping the way brands market themselves and the necessity for them to adapt in this ever-changing landscape. You won't want to miss this profound conversation on the past, present, and future of branding.

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Most Impactful Millennial Trends

This was a classic rapid-fire presentation, with only 12 minutes to deliver 50+ slides in front of an audience of senior Fortune 500 marketing executives. Matt delivers an energetic review of the year most impact millennial trends and their future implications.

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Amazon's Data-Led Renaissance

Matt talks to leaders in the consumer insights space at the TMRE Conference about the growing importance of data and programmatic targeting in a world where purchases of low involvement items continue to shift to Amazon.

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The Future Of Consumer | Live From Brooklyn NY

Matt speaks to a room of futurists, innovators, and social influencers about the future state of the consumers. In this fast paced session at the NANO World’s Fair, Matt explores everything from artificial intelligence, machine learning, drone deliveries, and predictive shopping.

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