AI, Keynote Speaker AI, Keynote Speaker

Redefining the Educational Landscape in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Join us for a groundbreaking keynote session with Matt Britton, consumer intelligence luminary and force behind the innovative platform Suzy. In this episode, we delve deep into the transformative world of artificial intelligence (AI) and its accelerating impact on education, the workforce, and industries at large. As AI continues to evolve at a staggering pace, we are thrust into the sixth wave of innovation, where the boundaries between science fiction and reality blur. Matt Britton offers invaluable insights into how AI is redefining business models, personal development, and even our daily habits

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Apparel, Podcast, Retail, Tech Apparel, Podcast, Retail, Tech

Behind the Screens of Social Media with Taylor Lorenz, Technology Columnist at The Washington Post

Taylor Lorenz, Technology Columnist at The Washington Post, joins Suzy Founder and CEO Matt Britton on the latest episode of The Speed of Culture podcast in collaboration with Adweek. Taylor delves into the themes of her book, Extremely Online: The Untold Story of Fame, Influence, and Power on the Internet. She also explores the rise of the modern personality-driven media landscape and the transformation of journalism in the digital era, sharing her views on today's leading social media platforms.

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How Music and Investing Work Together With DJ Mick Batyske

In this episode of The Speed of Culture podcast, Suzy founder and CEO Matt Britton sits down with Mick Batyske—DJ, investor, adviser and speaker at MICK—to discuss how Batyske created a meaningful network through music, current and future music trends, and what investing and music have in common.

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TikTok’s Sofia Hernandez On Why Comunity Commerce Is The Future

In today’s inaugural episode of The Speed of Culture, a part of the Adweek Podcast Network, Suzy founder and CEO Matt Britton talks with Sofia Hernandez, Global Head of Business Marketing at TikTok about her own personal journey and how that factors into the global phenomenon that is TikTok. Sofia shares why her love of people and mentorship is the very foundation of her success.

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The college dorm room of today hasn't changed a lot from previous decades -- there are still the extra-long twin beds, the too-small closets, the questionable wall art and, of course, the hidden fake IDs. Yet one thing is conspicuously absent -- the TV set. A dozen years ago, kids were carting small or medium-size TVs into their new educational oases. Not this generation.

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You Are What You Post: Tips From Millennials on How to Build Your Brand

In the book YouthNation: Building Remarkable Brands in a Youth-Driven Culture (Wiley, 2015,) author Matt Britton discusses what businesses need to be doing to adapt to the increasingly millennial marketplace. In the following edited excerpt, he offers tips for building out your social media presence--keeping in mind that people (and businesses) are what they post.

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