Matt Britton | Gen Z, AI, & New Consumer Expert

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Unlocking the Future: Matt Britton's Expert Keynotes on AI, Machine Learning, and Tech Industry Trends

Matt Britton's unparalleled expertise in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and the tech industry is rooted in his experience consulting for more than half the Fortune 500 companies and his entrepreneurial genius as the CEO of Suzy, a market research software platform that has raised over $100 million. In the rapidly shifting sands of the technology landscape, he provides the latest insights and forecasts for top brands, businesses, and enterprise-level clients. But where Matt truly excels is on stages around the globe, where he shares his high-energy, storytelling-driven keynotes on today's most pressing business issues.OpenAI's latest novel voice synthesis model was a key point in recent industry news. Despite its ability to create surprisingly real replicas from short samples, the release of this model has been put on hold due to trust and safety issues, reinforcing one of Matt's primary messages – that global tech giants need to exercise ethicalconsiderations and prioritise safety in AI development.Britton's deep insight and fluency on prima facie complex topics, like Amazon's significant investment in Anthropic and its reported plans to create its own large language models (LLMs), stems from his unique combination of multifaceted experiences. As a CEO, an advisor, a consultant, and an entrepreneur, Britton is uniquely positioned to understand and communicate about the distinct challenges,opportunities, and implications presented by these market trends.As someone who has watched and influenced cloud technology from the get-go, Britton makes complex issues like Databricks' new LLM (a product poised to disrupt the market economically) not onlyunderstandable but also captivating to diverse audiences.Simultaneously, Matt balances his in-depth tech presentations with a candid review of the challenges that come with implementing LLMs in real-world applications and a thorough understanding of the regulatory landscape that continues to evolve around it.Britton's expertise in AI and machine learning also extends to the regulatory milieu. His commentaries on the European Union's Digital Markets Act (DMA), as well as the distinct cultural differences between the US and EU regulations, are as insightful as they are accessible to the non-tech savvy audience, a signature of his connective storytelling.But also, the narrative of AI isn't just about innovation and advancement; it involves a tale of cybersecurity and international espionage. Matt's keynote presentations provide an up-to-date overview of urgent concerns arising from hacking attempts on political actors and infrastructure, as recently implicated on China by the US and UK.Britton's comprehensive understanding of these issues doesn't just stop at technology and security, though. His approach consistently bridges the gap between technology and its societal impact, breaking down the issues of scale in areas like AI, surveillance, and content moderation. As such, he raises pivotal questions around ethics, privacy, and the implications of technology at a large scale in his keynotes, generating meaningful conversations with his audiences.Through all his keynotes, Matt exemplifies high-energy storytelling. He combines his deep knowledge with an uncanny ability to engage audiences, bringing them along on a journey that not only informs but inspires them to action.As the world becomes more digitized and automated, businesses must stay informed about the many challenges and opportunities on the horizon. With Matt's talks, audiences leave with a deeperunderstanding of the real-world implications of AI and machine learning and the tools they'll need to navigate this ever-evolving landscape successfully.Britton's unrivaled knowledge, coupled with his arresting ability to relay complex information, makes him one of the most highlysought-after keynote speakers today. Whether it's a workshop, offsite, or conference, one thing remains the same: attendees walk away with more than they arrived with - insights, strategies, and actionable plan to stay ahead in the tech industry.Contact Matt Britton today to learn more about his keynote speaking platform, and tap into his fathomless expertise in helping your business master the powerful, often perplexing world of AI, machine learning, and the broader tech industry.