Speed Of Culture Podcast Interview | Rick Gomez on Target's Evolving Retail Strategy

Renowned retail guru Matt Britton shares valuable industry insights in his latest podcast episode, featuring Target leader Rick Gomez. Rick discusses the importance of adapting to dynamic customer needs and shares key lessons for aspiring marketers. Target's focus on affordability, wellness trends, and omnichannel approach sets them apart in the retail landscape.

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Inspiring Greatness Through Beauty, Confidence, and Well-Being with Esi Eggleston Bracey, CEO of Unilever Personal Care, N.A.

Esi Eggleston Bracey, president of Unilever USA and CEO of Unilever Personal Care in North America, joins Suzy founder and CEO Matt Britton on the latest episode of The Speed of Culture podcast in collaboration with Adweek. They dive deep into Bracey’s inspiring career journey and share mantras to achieve success including being yourself, helping people and creating value for your enterprise.

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