Speed Of Culture Podcast Interview | From Passion To Impact with Female Quotient’s Shelley Zalis

Shelley Zalis leads The Female Quotient, advocating gender equality and innovative work culture. She defied odds in pioneering online research, emphasizing hire for passion, train for skill. Her ventures include The Girls Lounge, promoting women's support. Zalis urges leaders to prioritize gender equality in business strategy, aiming for a purpose-driven, equal workspace.

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Suzy’s CEO Matt Britton shares how to reframe workplace expectations for a digital world

The COVID-19 pandemic came quickly, and the safety of employees needed to come first before any business outcome.

With so much uncertainty surrounding the pandemic, Suzy, a consumer intelligence company, decided to close its office for the rest of 2020.

Reframing workplace expectations for a digital world As the world shifted to working remotely, many employees didn’t know what expectations were for working fully remote.

How late should they be expected to answer emails?

Giving back to the community Not only is Suzy aligning their internal strategy to allow their employees to succeed in a remote environment, but they’re also ensuring their local community is able to maintain a sense of normalcy during these hard times.

But now, you have to be more intentional about how you interact with coworkers, and for junior-level employees, it might not be as easy to get in front of the c-suite as it once was.

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Millennials Are Not Killing Business But They Are Forcing It To Adapt

For over two decades, Matt Britton has made his career by having his ear to the ground on what is happening on the sidewalks. With a belief that youth is not an age but an attitude, he thinks every business needs to realize that Millennials are going to be changing the world of business in unexpected ways. To learn more about this, Matt and I recently sat down to discuss the changes of being brought by a new generation of consumers.

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