Matt Britton | Gen Z, AI, & New Consumer Expert

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The millennial urbanization movement is here to stay

The urbanization movement for the new consumer is here to stay.

Millennials in developed markets around the world are getting married later, having children later, and are pushing off the desire to “grow up”.

Yesterday’s version of the American dream , a “white picket fence” lifestyle has taken a u-turn back to cities.

This trend has reverberating impact on the future of education, parenting, retail, jobs, and undeniably real estate.

I often get asked “but why about when they start a family and can no longer afford it?”.... well that’s where gentrification comes in... the livable boundaries of cities will continue to push outward for a generation that simply doesn’t want to leave. #realestate #retail #education #millennials #futurism #youthnation
